Saturday, August 21, 2010

Keep Dreaming

The Pew Research Center this week released a poll in which 18% of Americans claimed President Obama is Muslim.  This is an increase of 7% from March 2009.  While most attention has been focused on those figures, including other less-reported portions is more informative.  For example, the number of people who claimed not to know whether Obama is a Christian increased by 9%, while the number stating that he is a Christian decreased by 14%, including a 9% decrease among Democrats.

Given all of these statistics, the Pew Research Center’s press release title "Growing Number of Americans Say Obama is a Muslim” appears misleading and sensationalist.  The most honest interpretation would be: “Fewer Americans Sure of Obama’s Christianity.”

Being an agnostic and a secularist, it offends me that Obama’s religion is even taken as an important topic, but I accept that most Americans are not agnostics and secularists who share all of my values.  From a pragmatic standpoint President Obama clearly has to do more to communicate his Christianity if it threatens his re-election.

Nonetheless, I am reminded of John McCain’s presidential campaign, when he was credited with defending Obama against criticisms of being “an Arab.” McCain called Obama a “family man, citizen” and encouraged his supporters to “be respectful.”  The defense was so minimal and token that the praise it garnered for civil politics in America is just embarrassing.

That said, with the news this week, not even a defense as weak as that has been mustered by the leaders of the Republican Party, including John McCain.  I haven’t seen any commentary from a Republican leader defending Obama’s Christianity--I invite anyone to find it for me.

Surely, this defense is the primary duty of Obama’s PR department, and not the Republican Party’s, but considering the religious right has been mobilized by the Republican Party, they presumably have some responsibility over the monster when it goes racist and irrational.

1 comment:

  1. As a thinking Christian, it also offends me that Obama's religion is a discussed topic. His religion is part of his private life, not his public work.

    I don't know why the Pew Research Center is wasting time polling people on this non-issue when there are so many more pressing issues that should be discussed.

    But if it is going to be discussed, I'm surprised at how quickly Obama's detractors have forgotten about the Rev. Wright issue with which they plague Obama during the election just 2 years ago. Remember his "racist-spouting" pastor of the United Church of Christ (Christian! The denomination Dad preaches in) Church which he had attended for decades? It’s funny how quickly slander can be forgotten when it no longer fits one's purposes.
